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Some Precincts Out of Provisional Ballots

KDKA has learned that 100 local precincts have already run out of provisional ballots before 3pm

Nov 2, 2004 3:27 pm US/Eastern
Pittsburgh (KDKA) The polls haven't even closed yet, but a number of precincts in western Pennsylvania are reporting problems with provisional ballots: there aren't enough to go around.

Provisional ballots are supposed to be available for people who show up to vote but either aren't listed on voting rolls or don't have proper identification. They can then cast a provision ballot which is essentially a paper ballot that get sealed, but won't get counted until election officials determine that the person was actually allowed to vote in the first place.

The Board of Elections in Allegheny County put twelve provisional ballots at each precinct; but KDKA has learned, however, that 100 local precincts have already run out of provisional ballots before 3pm.

While some people are simply leaving the polling places without voting, in some cases, the individual Judges of Elections have reportedly been letting them vote on the regular voting machines.

Allegheny County Common Pleas Judge Eugene Strassberger is ordering them to cease and desist on a precinct by precinct basis.

Republicans are voicing concerns that people who may not have been qualified to vote on a machine have already done so; while Democrats counter that registered voters might have left the polls without casting their ballots.

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