Election Board Okays Ballot Design
By Jim Shella for WISH-TV Indianapolis 05 August 2004
(Marion County) - The Marion County election board adopted a ballot design for the November election Thursday that should eliminate the controversy that led to a court battle last year.
The most important thing about the new design is the fact that it meets court-ordered guidelines. Even though Republicans contend that it can still be confusing, both Republicans and Democrats are willing to live with it.
The new ballot groups candidates in party columns making it easy to vote a straight ticket. Republicans have favored a design that groups candidates together according to the office they are seeking.
The board vote was unanimous and afterward, Marion County Democratic Chairman Ed Treacy, the man who sued last year, gave his approval.
“This is what the statute calls for and we're pleased that the election board has finally chosen to listen to what the courts have said and have acted properly today,” said Treacy.
“It certainly in my mind is not the best but that was what was chosen for us by the court,” said Candy Marendt (R-election board chairman).
“I don't its the best ballot we could have. I think the office block is the clearest ballot for the voters but I don't think it’s a bad ballot,” said Doris Anne Sadler (R-Marion County clerk).
Still unresolved is who will pay the legal expenses for the court battle that led to today's decision. County Clerk Sadler wants ES&S, the Omaha-based company that makes the voting machines and the ballots to pick up more than $100,000 in legal fees.