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GOP challenge to voting list denied
Republicans sought to have 5,600 names removed from rolls in Milwaukee
By GREG J. BOROWSKI and MEG JONES  Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Posted: Oct. 28, 2004

The Milwaukee Election Commission voted 3-0 this morning to deny a Republican Party challenge that sought to have about 5,600 names and addresses removed from the city's voting list for Tuesday's election.
Commission members, including one Republican and two Democrats, determined the Republican Party had not met the required standard of proving beyond a reasonable doubt that the addresses do not exist.

Using a computer data base, the GOP had alleged that the 5,600 addresses do not exist. The party had only verified about 35 in person, however.

The Republican Party could appeal, but hasn't decided whether to do so.

As part of their effort, Republicans snapped photos showing vacant lots, a gyro stand, a park and spots between two houses where the address should have been.

A Republican Party spokesman said the GOP routinely checks voter rolls to purge files and was interested in the city of Milwaukee because of the large number of new voter registrations for this presidential election.

"George Bush lost the state by 5,708 votes, so these kinds of things do matter," Chris Lato said.

A spokesman for John Kerry sharply criticized the move by Republicans, saying it was merely to prevent people, most likely those who lean Democratic, to vote.

"Time and again Democrats have been working to encourage more to participate and encourage high participation. Republicans continue to file these often wildly inaccurate challenges to attempt to disenfranchise people," said George Twigg, Kerry's Wisconsin campaign director.

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