As should be expected by anyone who follows elections as closely as we do, the news today is again full of articles from Sarasota Co., Florida where the counties paperless ES&S voting machines failed to register over 18,000 votes for a 13th Congressional District race. ES&S and the county elections director are, of course, blaming the problem on the voters just not wanting to vote in the race. Meanwhile the media is full of anecdotal evidence that the machines failed to register votes in that race. The lesson is that Never, NEVER should the decision of who wins a race come down to a decision made by a voting machine. Never! NEVER should a voting machine be part of the decision. If the voters don't want to vote in a race then it's their decision and there should be no doubt that was there decision. A paper ballot gives us that information. A box with circuitry and software gives us nothing. We need to take the box out of the decision process.
NAtional: Sequoia Voting System Failure Means Votes Counted Twice in NJ County
NAtional: ES&S Voting Machines Fail Again: More Votes than Voters in Arkansas, Thousands of Votes Missing in Florida and Zero Votes Recorded for One Mayoral Candidate
NAtional: E-voting worries focus on failures, not fraud
NAtional: Ballot Roulette
Computer scientists and mathematicians look for better ways to vote
AR: Poinsett County - Candidate: Zero Vote Tally Off - by 1
AZ: Maricopa County - 'Early' ballots cast late slow counting process
CA: Riverside County - Time to admit mistake
CA: Ventura County - Absentee voting rate increasing in county
Rising trend slows down count for local offices,1375,VCS_226_5138596,00.html
CO: Opinion - What went wrong in Denver
CO: Montrose County – Editorial - The damage is done; time for an investigation
CO: Montrose County - City wants independent inquiry into election
FL: Confidence up in election process
Voters mostly satisfied with experience, state survey finds
FL: Palm Beach County – Columnist - Goodman: Sarasota shows we need a voter-verified paper trail,0,3411642.column
FL: Sarasota County - The Sarasota Triangle: Why America Needs to Examine the Election in Florida's 13th District
FL: Sarasota County audit to begin Monday, state officials say
FL: Sarasota County - Dent will back machines with trail
FL: Sarasota County - Vote machines spark uproar in Sarasota
Without paper trail, recount may prove nothing about touch-screens
FL: Sarasota County - The 2000 recount is fresh in the mind of Jennings lawyer
FL: Sarasota County - How did we end up here again?
FL: Sarasota County - Work begins for recount
FL: Sarasota County - Unclear ballot? Glitch? Maybe both, experts say,0,6657404.story?coll=orl-news-headlines-state
FL: Sarasota County - PFAW Foundation Urges Sarasota County Not to Certify Results of Disputed Race in Florida's 13th Congressional District
ID: Dems critical of Idaho election officials
IN: Vanderburgh County – Editorial - Smooth Election
KY: Complaints about state's voting machines may lead to modification
MD: Pols this year specialized in voter harassment
PA: Lebanon County - Officials solve election problem
Programming error won't return, they say
TN: Buy more voting machines
The delays on Election Day should not be repeated again.
TX: Newfangled machines, old-fashioned voters lead to election night delays
VA: Vote counters will take accuracy over speed
Use of electronic tallying last week wasn't as fast as some expected it would be
VA: Montgomery County - Pursue more voting upgrades than just the 'Ding!'
Dings are nice, but a paper trail would be nicer
WI: Voting places seek new help
As aging poll workers retire, schools, charities asked to recruit replacements
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