"It is a matter of fundamental fairness, of good government, and of accountability that we get to the bottom of this election," said Rep. Rush Holt. "It is imperative that every election reflect the will of voters accurately. In the case of Florida-13, there is no way to know whether the result presented by the Florida Secretary of State is valid - in fact, there is significant evidence that it is not. 18,000 missing votes in a race certified on the basis of a 369 vote margin is an overwhelming indication that something went wrong." / Meanwhile the Judge who heard the Jennings evidentiary hearing has ruled against Democracy and for ES&S. Even though the state and ES&S have allowed computer scientists to look at the source code (presently an ongoing process) the judge refused to allow Jennings' experts the same courtesy.
NAtional: Holt to Support Jennings Contest on House Floor
FL: Alachua County - Did voting machines with levers leave trail?
FL: FL-13 - Using Technology to Undermine the Ballot Box
FL: FL-13 - Jennings OKs Buchanan in House seat temporarily
FL: FL-13 - Disputed Florida election to spill onto House floor
FL: Florida Republican Faces House Challenge Next Week
FL: Sarasota County - House candidate can't inspect secret voting software
FL: Sarasota County - Panel set to review voting system
FL: Sarasota County - D-13 awaits judge's ruling
FL: Sarasota County - Judge rules against Jennings, Democrats to seat Buchanan in Congress
FL: Sarasota County – Judge Denies Plaintiff Motion To Review Source Code
KY: Panel to look into paper trail for ballots
RI: Editorial - Ballot counting methods needs a revamp
VA: Delegate's bill would limit automated political phone calls
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