This will probably be a very slow week. Depending on the amount of news I may only send out the DVN every two days rather than every day. For those who will be traveling over the holiday, please drive careful. Enjoy the holiday. We need you all if we are going to ensure we have a democracy into the future and that our voices are heard and not just the voices of vendors and partisan appointees.
NAtional: Congress about to "just say yes" to permanent secret vote counting
NAtional: Millions of votes at risk in '08 unless Voter Confidence Act passed
NAtional: 'Thriller' Audio: Brad Debates Larry Norden of Brennan Center for Justice on Holt Election Reform Bill
NAtional: ACVR Reached into New Mexico U.S. Attorney Firing; More Details Unearthed in GOP 'Voter Fraud' Front Group's Central Role in Republican National Strategy to Game Elections
AR: Pulaski County - New voting machines for election
CA: Humboldt County - Watchdog group calls for hand-counted ballots
MD: Lamone's sales pitch for electronic voting a blunder
MS: Judge will hear felons' claim that they should be allowed to vote
NJ: Cracking security his passion
Princeton professor has knack for exposing high-tech foibles
NJ: Hudson County - Anatomy of voter fraud
Will officials follow up on alleged $10 vote payoff?
OH: Franklin County - Carole Squire denied her election appeal
**Articles included in “Daily Voting News” may not all reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or its allied organizations. These articles are all included for the information of the subscribers of “Daily Voting News” though we realize that the subscribers may not agree with the opinions given in all articles**
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