Bergen Co. NJ has reported that their Sequoia DRE voting machines required $44,000 worth of electricity for their monthly battery charge last year. The county is now spending $42,000 to install air conditioning in the warehouse where their 1,200 machines are stored. “Red-Team” security checks are underway in California where teams of “hackers” are testing the security of all voting systems used in the state.
NAtional: Feinstein’s ‘Ballot Integrity Act of 2007’ is even worse than Holt’s ‘Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act of 2007’
NAtional: E-voting assurance efforts make progress
NAtional: Election Fraud: Where's the Outrage?
CA: Hackers Test California's Electronic Voting Machines
CA: Experts put voting machines to test
Ex-hackers and professors try to trip up technology
CA: State tries to hack into voting machines in security check
CA: San Francisco - S.F. Could Face Hand Counted Votes In Nov. Election
CA: San Jose County - Officials poke under the hoods of S.J.'s voting machines
CO: Mesa County - Elections panel wants $682,000 for 2008 budget
FL: Palm Beach County – Editorial - Trust in Voting,0,105183.story?coll=sfla-news-editorial
MT: Laurel - Mail ballots may be used for upcoming election
NJ: Bergen County - Bergen cranks up AC for e-voting machines
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