Today’s new includes more and varied articles on HR-811, including an editorial against the use of DREs from the NYTimes. It appears that the bill will go back to the Rules Committee for another shot at a decision from that body. If it clears the Rules Committee in some form it will go to the floor. What is still unknown is if and how amendments will be handled. There is also more from the New Jersey court decision. Also reported is that the Ohio SOS has named the firms who will be involved in the state’s attempt to copy California’s “Top-To-Bottom” Review. The problem is that one of the ‘firms’ who will be involved is a firm that is also an Independent Test Authority and that probably tested some of the voting systems used in the state. That fact is a real “head scratcher”. Another county has stepped up and decided that DREs are garbage and they will be reverting back to optical-scan. Good decision Taylor Co West Virginia.
NAtional: Rules Democrats Revolt On Electronic Voting Bill
NAtional: Editorial - A Chance to Make Votes Count
NAtional: NY Times Calls For Ban on Touch-Screen Voting (Finally!)
NAtional: Rep. Susan Davis: DRE Voting Machines Are the '800 Pound Gorilla in the Room'
NAtional: Election Law Mandates Public Inspection of Ballots and Ballot Boxes in Most States
NAtional: State Officials’ Opposition Could Jeopardize Voting ‘Paper Trail’ Measure
NAtional: Controversy Arises Over Election Reform
NAtional: Draft Voluntary Voting System Guidelines Delivered to EAC
NAtional: The Dangers of Electronic Voting
NAtional: Senate Panel Approves Voter Intimidation Measure
NAtional: MyVote1 National Election Report: Voice of the Electorate 2006
NAtional: Congress looks back to paper for elections
CO: Larimer County - Equipment OK for November election
However, the requirements for next year's election remain unresolved
CO: Larimer County - Coloradoan article on voting machine recertification omitted former GOP secretary of state's role
GA: Murphy tosses voter ID lawsuit: See the order here
MS: Smith to examine ballot boxes Tuesday after losing by 9 votes
NJ: Judge Gives New Jersey a Week to Fix Voting Machines
NJ: Judge demands a plan for e-voting
Says replacing machines at polls is at 'crisis' stage
NJ: Voting Machine ‘Crisis’
8 days to get 'paper trail' plan
OH: Brunner picks firms for Ohio voting machine tests
PA: Bucks County - Attorney calls for election do-over
VA: Voting machines cleared for use
WV: Taylor County plans to return to paper ballots
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