Mississippi’s election laws are very questionable. During the August 7 state primary some voters who were not able to use Wilkinson Co’s DRE machines used paper ballots. These would be absentee, affidavit (provisional) and curb-side (for voters with disabilities). In Mississippi the political parties administer their primaries. When all of the votes were counted three incumbents were re-elected. However, there were allegations of wrong-doing in regards to some Democrat paper ballots so the county Dem. Executive Board disqualified all paper ballots which then caused the three incumbents to lose their elections. How many good ballots were disqualified? No one knows. Next week we can look forward to something being done in regards to HR-811; or nothing at all. Will California finally release the results of their Document Inspection portion of the “Top-To-Bottom Review” and will the media even know about it? Will the state of New Jersey finally provide an alternate plan for when the vvpat printers are not ready for use? And there is supposed to be a follow-up on “Dan Rather Reports” as early as next week.
NAtional: HR811: In Holt's own words, three short videos
NAtional: A Damaging Paper Chase In Voting
NAtional: Hands-on Elections: A complete handbook
NAtional: Computer Security Expert Bruce O'Dell: Testimony to NH Legislature
AZ: Mojave County - Tests make sure election computers are ready to run
CA: Ventura County - County adopting paper ballots seen as 'lucky'
CO: Coffman says vote-machine solution on way
CO: Pueblo County – Editorial - Mail ballots
CT: Voters may not survive voting crash course
DE: Verifiable voting proposal on hold
MD: Gov. O'Malley Pledges to 'Do Everything in My Power' to Fund Paper Ballots Bill
MD: Officials foresee smooth primary
MS: Wilkinson Co. Democrats throw out paper ballots
NJ: Editorial - N.J. must ensure an accurate vote
NJ: Opinion - Voting - the bedrock of democracy, How accurate? How costly?
OK: State seeks ‘miracle machine’ to assist blind voters
OK: Election official: Paper trail important
Legislation to be debated would require a paper ballot
PA: Fayette County - Electronic voting unwelcomed
PA: Lackawanna County - State might yank plug on e-voting
UT: Utah's electronic touch-screen voting machines fail the voters
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