Today’s “Enemy of Democracy” is George Gilbert, the director of the Guilford Co, North Carolina Board of Elections. In making an argument against a voter verified paper audit trail and against HR-811, George uses a disingenuous argument when he states, ““Some people have convinced them there's something magical about counting it [the vote] by hand.” He added errors are more likely to occur when ballots are tabulated by hand and results will be significantly slower.” Clearly George would like all who will believe him to think that the choice is only paperless DREs or hand-counted paper ballots. George conveniently forgets that optical-scan machines are used in almost every county in the country and they are used much more successfully than his favorite paperless DRE machines. Meanwhile, where are the final reports that were part of the California “Top-To-Bottom Review”? Why has the state kept them from the public? What is in those reports that is so secret?
NAtional: EAC halts certification of e-voting system
NAtional: Who Needs Hackers?
NAtional: Voter Purging: A Legal Way for Republicans to Swing Elections?
CA: The California Top-To-Bottom Review Is Still Incomplete
Only Three-Quarters Of the Review Reports Have Been Released
Is The Secretary of State Hiding Something?
CA: San Francisco - SF Supervisor Calls for Vote Counting Answers
CO: Denver - Colorado, Denver, And Mail Ballots: One City's Experience
CO: Pueblo County – Editorial – Paper Trails
CT: Mostly smooth debut for new machines
CT: Few glitches reported at polls
NC: Guilford County - Voting Machine Debate Could Cost NC Taxpayers $4.5 Mil
OH: Board puts off request on voting machine tests
PA: Northampton County - Panel chastises county registrar
Advisory committee on elections accuses her of 'poor judgment.',0,2282186.story
UT: Utah County - Only Provo uses electronic voting
WV: Opinion - The paper ballot chase
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