HR-811/Microsoft-811 may be going to the floor for a vote sometime this week. Maybe not. Does it all really matter though? The bill will almost definitely get a majority of the votes, though it may be closer than some have thought. Then what? Then comes the Senate. The 811-clone, Sen Nelson’s bill, is still just sitting in a holding pattern and S-1487, Senator Feinstein’s destructive bill is waiting on hearings before it is finalized, if it gets that far. Then what? It seems with the Senate, bills don’t get voted out of committee without having at least 60 votes. That’s to ensure they are filibuster proof. A source in the Senate Admin Committee (Feinstein’s committee) has said that the minority has already said that no election related legislation will go to the floor this session. Can deals be made? Sure. Anything can happen. I’m just not holding my breath. Today was supposed to be the court hearing in New Jersey to decide what actions would need to be taken regarding vvpat printers. As of press time there have been no reports from New Jersey.
NAtional: Will House Leaders Duck Debate on Electronic Voting Compromise?
NAtional: Democratic Leadership Still 'Out of Touch' Concerning DRE Voting Machines, Holt Election Reform Bill
NAtional: Youth Vote 2008: New Report from The Century Foundation Shows How Young Voters Are Likely to Impact the Presidential Election
NAtional: House Democratic Leaders Face Tricky Path to Passage of Election Bill
CA: Santa Cruz County, CA Election Official Gail Pellerin and Brad Friedman on the Peter B. Collins Show
FL: Brennan Center Urges Justice Department to Reject Florida's Revised Voter Registration Law
IL: Aiello addresses write-in vote issue
State board suggests election judges need better training
NC: Voting bill may cost N.C. millions
State would have to replace new touch-screen machines
NJ: Editorial - One last chance for voting fix
NJ: AG urges more time to fix voting machines
NJ: Voting machines - will Judge [sic] Feinstein make the decison?
NJ: Sussex County - Verifying the vote
NY: Otsego County - HAVA delay unfortunate but needed
OH: Analysts say early voting will ease poll waits
PA: Centre County - Machines may be voted out
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