Over the past week the media and the blogs have been filled with articles in support of a report negative on voter-verified paper audit trail requirements. Though the articles have found fault with parts of the report from the new on the scene Information Technology and Innovation Foundation they all agree on one thing; more technology added on to DRE voting machines is good and vvpat is bad. This new think-tank, ITIF, wants more software and gimmicks to be added to the present DREs. They say it will make the machines verifiable. In fact, it’s nothing more than software and gimmicks. It’s more expense for the counties who must pay more for licensing, s, bug repairs, certification costs, etc. I have an innovation. Let’s recycle the DREs, use paper-ballots, and let the fine folks at ITIF think about how they can improve some other aspect of our lives like the long waits at the airport or global warming. This all makes the ITIF today’s “Enemy of Democracy” award winner.
NAtional: Think Tank: A vote tally with a paper record would only raise costs, create confusion
NAtional: summary of ITIF’s eVoting report
NAtional: Counting the Ballots? I'll Help
NAtional: Director’s Note: Little Things That (Might) Mean a Lot
NAtional: Down the Election Rabbit Hole and Back Again
CA: San Francisco - S.F. supervisors blamed for blocking new voting system
FL: D-13 - Voting machines may be tested again
FL: Palm Beach County - New machinery to stuff, track, verify absentee ballots
MS: Hancock County - Outside judge will hear voter fraud suit
MS: Quitman County - Quitman vote claims rebuked
NC: Opinion - We demand a recount
NJ: Editorial - Safeguard our votes
TN: Shelby County - Early Voting Will Continue In Memphis
TN: Shelby County - Changes To Memphis Voting
TN: Shelby County - Voting machine flap settled
Mayoral candidates keep up jabs and tough talk
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