Malfunctioning machine prompted uncertainty in Sabine election
October 26, 2007
By Vickie Welborn Shreveport Times
MANY – Uncertainty in the outcome of at least one Sabine Parish race in Saturday’s election was finally settled late Thursday when state officials were able to recover votes cast on a malfunctioning machine.
Sabine Clerk of Court Dollie Knippers said one of two machines that serves precinct 2-6 malfunctioned Saturday afternoon. A backup machine was taken to the voting location to finish out the day.
The cartridge from the computerized machine was removed; however, the votes were unable to be read. The cartridge was hand-delivered to the secretary of state’s office in Baton Rouge.
Press Secretary Jacques Berry confirmed the votes were recovered from the cartridge, but there were no changes in the outcome of races in Sabine Parish. The election results were certified Thursday.
The issue getting the most attention was the judicial district split. DeSoto Parish voters overwhelming supported the measure that would make it the 42nd Judicial District. But for it to be effective, Sabine Parish voters also had to approve it.
Sabine voters were almost evenly split in their opinions, only passing with proposition with a 72-vote margin, or 50.5 percent.
Votes recovered from the malfunctioning machine added 48 in the affirmative column and 36 against, putting the final parishwide tally at 3,493 in favor of the split to 3,408 opposed.
Since the original vote was so close, state elections officials were already studying scenarios to get a recount of the precinct 2-6 votes, which included giving the parish residents who voted Saturday another chance at casting their ballots.