The Colorado SoS has issued a letter to ES&S to inform them that state certification testing of their voting machines has been suspended due to a lack of concern and inaction taken by the vendor. In that letter the Secretary accused the vendor of “changing project managers multiple times since April, providing incorrect programming of required databases for testing, providing incorrect ballots for testing, failing to provide required documentation of Federal testing, and test failures requiring extensive machine servicing”. Meanwhile election officials in Mesa Co Colorado have decided that they will just ignore what is happening at the state level and they are going to buy more machines from ES&S for another $500,000. What are these people thinking? Where is the outrage from the citizens whose money is being wasted by these same election officials? Rather than buy more products from this company that is arrogant beyond belief they should be taking ES&S to court to get back the original $2.7M they spent.
NAtional: 'What's Obama's Plans for Election Reform?' Let's Help See the Question Get Asked Tomorrow!
CO: Mesa County Looks To Add Voting Machines
FL: New voting system in Indian River County to cost $676,000
IN: Randolph County - 27 Lynn voters will have chance to cast new ballots
Those voters will either be sent a new ballot in the mail or be given an opportunity to vote by having the traveling board visit their home.
KS: Vote from your home more often?
Local lawmakers ponder a push for broadened use of mail-in ballot
NC: Pender County - Early Hampstead incorporation voters running into problems
NY: Most in Rochester area will still vote on older machines
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