'Daily Voting News' 31 October 2007
Ciber Labs teamed with Wyle Labs to test voting system code while Wyle tested hard and firmware. Under the NASED run voting system qualification process Ciber inspected and tested about 70% of the voting systems presently in use. Ciber Labs has not been accredited by the Election Assistance Commission (EAC) to test voting systems under the EAC’s voting system certification program because the EAC found that Ciber did not do tests that they had claimed to do and did a lousy job of documenting those tests they did do. So we have no idea if the code used on about 70% of the voting systems presently being used in the United States meets the voting systems standards. In fact, we know in many situations that the code violates the standards and those are only the systems that have been tested or inspected by other labs or by Universities. States and counties are using untested voting systems that violate the voting systems standards. Let’s just recall all voting systems qualified by NASED and start over with good standards and labs that will do their jobs.
NAtional: Tell the Feds What You Think of E-Voting Machines
CA: Nevada County - Voting machines certified for county
CA: San Francisco County - Another setback for S.F. ballot-counting
FL: Sarasota County - Appeals court ruling moot on amendment
LA: Judge tosses election lawsuit; two other challenges filed
OH: Tuscarawas County - Elections director ed to participate in state voting machine testing program
TX: Montgomery County - Election judge wants explanation for his removal
UT: Opinion - Voting by mail worth a look
WA: Whatcom County - Bar code blooper to be fixed, at cost to county
Watchdog says voters’ privacy will be protected
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