'Daily Voting News' For November 05, 2007
Today is a bit of housekeeping chores so please bear with me. First, tomorrow is election day for state and local positions and issues across most of the nation. As is normal the news for the next few days will be filled with machine failures and election officials and vendors blaming those failures on the voters or poll workers. Of course they neglect to say that if they had didn’t have the unreliable voting systems they have the voters and poll workers would not have problems. Also, I will be attending the “Claim Democracy” Conference in DC this coming weekend. I will do all I can to keep the flow of news going out to you but I may miss a day or two. I will do all I can to combine days or otherwise get the news out.
NAtional: Editorial - Making every vote count
Our position: Nelson's bill to require paper ballots in elections makes good sense.
NAtional: Editorial - In Defense of Voting Rights
NAtional: Futurist: A Vote for Better Design
NAtional: Risks of e-voting
NAtional: Political Scientists Examine Voter Confidence in Electoral Administration, Make Recommendations
AR: Clark County - County budget committee looks at election funding
CT: Voters will test new optical-scan system
CT: Many Voters Tuesday To Use Paper Ballots For First Time
CT: Bridgeport Election Will Go Forward
IL: East St. Louis Rehires Workers Convicted of Vote Fraud
IN: Boone County - One more time
County will squeeze another election out of VTI machines
MS: Officials predict smooth sailing for election
NC: Fair-election advocates battle for turf
OH: Editorial - Restore secrecy of the election ballot
OH: Ohio Election Justice Campaign, Justified
OH: Cuyahoga County Board of Elections to test new voting process to make voting move faster
PA: Lackawanna County - Vote tally to run late
PA: Northampton County voters to pull levers again
Officials switched back because new devices aren't fully tested.
PA: York County - Write-in votes could delay naming winners in commissioners race
WA: Kittitas County - No more going to the polls in Kittitas County
**Articles included in “Daily Voting News” may not all reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or its allied organizations. These articles are all included for the information of the subscribers of “Daily Voting News” though we realize that the subscribers may not agree with the opinions given in all articles**
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