We at VotersUnite are thankful for all of our friends in the Election Integrity community. The folks who support our work and who do their own work tirelessly in an attempt to ensure our democratic process is not taken over by corporations whose interest is to make as much money as quickly as possible. We thank all of you for all that you do in your cities, counties and states. Thank you.
CO: Pueblo County - 13 violations detected in city's mail-in election
FL: Pinellas picks voting device vendor
ES&S has the nod for $6-million in optical scan machines to replace touch screens.
IN: Shelby County - Dems seeking recount
Single vote would break tie in 4th Ward
OH: Group claiming 2004 election fraud asks Dann to investigate
OH: Activists want 2004 election investigated
OH: Dann to probe alleged irregularities in 2004 Ohio election
OH: Cuyahoga County - Touch-screen voting reconsidered
PA: Fayette County may still have electronic voting issues
VA: Spotsylvania clerk won't handle contested votes
**Articles included in “Daily Voting News” may not all reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or its allied organizations. These articles are all included for the information of the subscribers of “Daily Voting News” though we realize that the subscribers may not agree with the opinions given in all articles**
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