Yesterday, in this space, I stated that a problem in Wharton Co Texas had votes switching from a GOP candidate to a Democrat. In fact that information was incorrect. The election was a non-partisan election on constitutional amendments. There, however, was clearly vote swapping taking place. The information regarding the vote switching in Pennsylvania was correct. My apologies for the erroneous information.
The EAC terminated all certification of the Advanced Voting Solutions voting system that was being tested by iBeta. This renders the AVS system used in three Pennsylvania counties useless. Northampton and Lackawanna Counties are now discussing suing the vendor.
Twenty percent of the vvpat tapes from Diebold/Premier DREs used recently in Cuyahoga Co Ohio are damaged beyond use. The SoS has given the county permission to run ballot images from the DREs for recounts. Thus no voter verified paper ballots will be used to recount 20% of the votes. Diebold is looking for a way to blame election officials or the voters, of course.
CA: Humboldt County - Voter Confidence Committee gathers community support for hand-counting paper ballots
CA: Los Angeles County - Calif. State Secretary May Re-certify February Voting System;id=10311
CA: San Francisco – Editorial - A real public voting system
With machines, a current deal that thrills no one
FL: CD-13 - Jennings withdraws lawsuit over 2006 congressional race
FL: CD-13 - Jennings withdraws lawsuit
GA: Clayton County - Secretary of State will not investigate election fraud in Riverdale
NY: Poll access for disabled heats debate
OH: Ohio Wins Poll-Worker Training Funds, Voting Problems Persist in Cuyahoga County
OH: Clermont County - Official Clermont vote tally prompts recounts in 3 races
OH: Cuyahoga County - Cuyahoga Board of Elections gets secretary of state's OK to reprint paper records for recounts
OH: Cuyahoga County - 20 percent of election printouts were unreadable
Officials fear disaster in Cuyahoga County during primary vote
OH: Lorain County - Close races face recount
OH: Summit County - Counting machines requested
Absentee balloting likely to soar; $368,000 sought
PA: Northampton County's voting machines are out
PA: Northampton County voting machines won't get federal approval,0,6381105.story
PA: Philadelphia - Losing candidate alleges fraud
TX: 49,000 questionable names found on voter rolls
Auditors say none of them cast ballots in the May election
UT: Salt Lake County - Smells like 2000: Voting was supposed to have changed after the 2000 election fiasco. What happened?
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