Over 100 computer science and social sciences faculty from more than 20 colleges and universities across the state of New York have signed a letter to the governor, legislature and local election officials to urge them to replace the state’s lever machines with optical-scan machines.
Our friends in New Jersey have an urgent request for people from throughout the US to call the Governors office and ask Gov. Corzine to call off his Attorney General who wants to gut S-507 which many consider to be model legislation for post-election audits. Read about the bill and action here: http://e-voter.blogspot.com/2007/11/urgent-new-jersey-election-audit-bill.html
The GOP in Wharton Co Texas has taken the step to tell the county election office that their primary will be done using paper ballots and not the counties vote switching Ivotronics.
NAtional: Moonshine America? Collapse of the 'Trust Me' elections model
NAtional: Voting Can Be a Real Battle For U.S. Troops and Others Overseas in the 2008 Primaries
NAtional: "Uncounted: The New Math of American Elections" and the Power of One
CA: Columnist - Campaigns altered by mail voting
CA: Bay Area mail ballots to be big factor in February, poll indicates
FL: Seminole County - Touchscreen Ballots Out For Next Election
MS: Federal appeals court asked to delay Miss. party registration, ID mandate
NC: Electronic voting a decade away
NJ: URGENT!!! New Jersey Election Audit Bill Needs OUR Help!
NJ: New Jersey Voters Deserve Verifiable Elections
NY: Faculty Speak Out on the Future of New York State’s Voting Technology
An Open Letter to the Governor, Legislature and Local Boards of Elections
NY: New York: Professors Call for Optical Scan Systems to Replace Lever Voting Machines
NY: College professors come out against new voting technology
NY: Editorial - Say No to Computerized Voting Machines
NY: Editorial - Time to act on voting machines
NY: Opinion - Will Your Vote Be Counted?
OH: Franklin County - Former Franklin County elections official charged
Prosecutors allege illegal conflicts of interest, lying
TX: Texas legislation targeting non-citizen voting planned
TX: Wharton County - GOP in Wharton County back to old ballots
They'll use paper in primary after complaints on vote machines
**Articles included in “Daily Voting News” may not all reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or its allied organizations. These articles are all included for the information of the subscribers of “Daily Voting News” though we realize that the subscribers may not agree with the opinions given in all articles**
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