'Daily Voting News' For December 06, 2007
For election watchers there will be a special congressional election next week in northwest Ohio. There will also be another congressional election in Virginia at the same time. In the Virginia election voters are being given their choice between DRE or paper ballots.
Goshen New York held an election on a $70M school bond issue and brought out two lever machines to count the votes. As the counters on both machines hit 999, they each rolled back to 000 like an overused car odometer. The question that will never be answered is, for which side were those 1,998 votes cast?
NAtional: U.S. Voter Confidence Is Linked To Positive Voter Experience, According To New Colorado State Study
NAtional: Voter confidence linked to positive voter experience
AZ: Pima County - Election Integrity on Trial in Pima County: Day Two Summary
A Courtroom Report as Pima County Democrats Seek Public Records Access to Diebold Election Databases
CA: San Francisco - S.F. supervisors' panel backs Sequoia voting machines
CA: San Francisco – SF still counting votes from November election
CA: San Francisco’s Final Election Results Delayed Again
CA: San Francisco - Supes near voting machine contract
CT: Advantages of new voting machines uncertain
MO: Indiana Voter ID case gets close attention in Missouri
NJ: Paper record deadline extended to June 2008: Audit bill to count random election results approved
NJ: Integrity of voting machines questioned
SCI criticizes no-bid purchasing by counties
NJ: Report: Voting machines 'vulnerable to abuse'
NJ: Voting Machines Vulnerable?
NJ: Poll turnout in state one of the lowest
NY: Elections Official Wants to Help Troops at War Vote
NY: Goshen - Results of Goshen school vote on $70M bond are lost forever
OH: State hopes vote counting fixed for special Congressional race
OH: Knox County - Board recounts votes from election
TX: Milam County - Viewpoint: Electronic voting machines should be banned
VA: Paper ballots an option for Dec. election
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