'Daily Voting News' For December 14, 2007
Today Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner released the results of her EVEREST (Evaluation & Validation of Election-Related Equipment, Standards & Testing) report. There is a lot of interesting reading for the technical types and for the non-technical among us. Brunner has, with input from a bi-partisan group of county elections people, recommended that changes be made before next years elections; no DREs, no Precinct-Based Optical Scan, hand-marked paper ballots to be counted on Central-Count Optical Scan except for the use of Ballot Marking Devices for voters with disabilities, early voting up to 15 days, and voting centers. One has to hope that if all of the counting is going to take place on CCOS machines that no vendors will be involved in that counting and that the counting be open to the public. One pleasant surprise was that Brunner went farther than the rumors said she would go. Not only did she release her “Executive Summary” but the technical reports were released at the same time. Thank you for that openness, Secretary Brunner.
NAtional: Midwest Voter Registration Data-Sharing Project Moves Forward
Kansas leads groups of states crosschecking information; Advocates voice concern
NAtional: Voting Chief Tanner Resigns
NAtional: UNCOUNTED: The New Math of American Elections
NAtional: Post-Election Auditing: A View From The "Summit"
NAtional: VoteRescue Radio, Sunday, 2-4pm CST Blockbuster Show!
GA: 57 Lacked Photo IDs in Elections
OH: Study: Voting Systems Vulnerable
OH: Brunner declares Ohio's voting systems vulnerable
OH: Brunner: Ohio's vote vulnerable
OH: Report finds voting equipment flaws
OH: Ohio's electronic voting system vulnerable, report says
OH: Ohio Secretary of State confirms 2004 election could have been stolen
OH: Official: Ohio Vote Machines Vulnerable
OH: Statement of Premier Election Solutions in Response to Today's Release of the Ohio EVEREST Voting System Review
OH: 'Critical Security Failures’ Leads Ohio Sec. Of State To Recommend Ban of DRE (Touch-Screen) Voting Machines
OH: Cuyahoga County - Secretary of State wants new voting system in Cleveland
VA: 37th District Recount Set for Next week
Candidates disagree over the degree to which votes should be studied.
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