'Daily Voting News' For December 22, 2007
Colorado Secretary of State Coffman continues to step as far away from state law as he possibly can. Rather than protect the voters it seems that Coffman wants to do everything possible to cut corners and ignore the facts in order for counties to use the machines he just decertified. Now Coffman is allowing Mesa Co to do their own certification testing to see if they can figure out a way to make their ES&S iVotronics work. “Even if Omaha, Neb.-based ES&S couldn’t get the systems to work for the certification, county officials likely can, Coffman said.” He wants to allow the counties to do their own testing and then go to the legislature and have them approve what has been done by the counties. Does anyone smell another law suit?
NAtional: Who gets to vote matters
CO: Rocky article on Coffman controversy omitted that GOP consultant also was Coffman campaign contributor
CO: County clerks urge all-mail election
Plea caps week of controversy about machines
CO: Editorial - Narrow line for Coffman
CO: Mesa County allowed to test vote machines
FL: Volusia County - Clerks won't take voting machines home
MS: Appeals court freezes judge's voter ID mandate
OH: Cuyahoga County elections chief ready for difficult change
OH: Cuyahoga County - State elections chief votes to abolish Cuyahoga County's touch-screen system
OH: Cuyahoga County - Ohio County to Switch Voting Machines
OH: Van Wert County - County commissioners working on financial cuts
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