'Daily Voting News' For December 23, 2007
New York City has already decided to purchase one “Ballot Marking Device” for each polling place in the city. That puts them one step ahead of the rest of the state.
Meanwhile Pennsylvania has joined other states which have read the Colorado reports and decided that any testing done in Colorado does not apply to their state even though they use the same machines.
West Virginia says that even though they use machines that were decertified in Colorado they just don’t know enough to decide wether to get rid of them.
Editorials and Op-Eds from Ohio papers are mixed. The opinions of the papers surely echo the opinion of the county election offices rather than an opinion made after research and education.
CO: Clerks call for mail-in votes in '08
CO: Opinion - Boucher: Paper ballots something to believe in
CO: Opinion - Pomerance: Making the voting process transparent
CO: Montrose County - Montrose in bind after vote-machine decision
FL: Opinion - Will court decide 2008 election, too?
NY: Tools to Help Disabled Vote Are on Way
NY: NYC: Disabled-access voting machines for all poll spots by Sept.
OH: EVEREST a "Light at the End of the Elections Tunnel?"
OH: Editorial - Flaws in Ohio's voting system demand immediate attention
OH: Costs keep adding up for elections
Brunner wants to dump touch-screen machines
OH: Butler County - Report raises concerns for county officials
As the state considers voting system improvements, Butler officials think it will be difficult to make changes in 2008.
OH: Lake County needs equity for machines
OH: Loraine County – Opinion - Our View: Call for massive change in Ohio's voting system a waste, lacks real basis
PA: Touch screens keep state's vote
Despite Colorado ban, electronic ballots to stay here
WV: UPDATE — W.Va. may keep iffy voting machines, the same kind Colo. booted
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