'Daily Voting News' For January 01 and 02, 2008
Here we are back at work. It appears that the mainstream media is waking up and beginning to do their normal pre-election questioning of voter registration data bases and voting machines. We’ll be keeping our eyes on what is being reported and then passing those articles on to you. Counties across the nation should be getting their paper ballots and ballot programming soon and we will then begin to hear about all of the misprints and incorrect programming. One of the big questions will be how many ES&S customers will end up threatening law suits for failure to provide ballots, software, and memory cards. It is going to be a busy and interesting year right through the elections.
NAtional: AP Covers Election Integrity, Quotes Election Integrity Advocate at Top of Story!
NAtional: States Scramble To Address E-Voting Concerns
NAtional: Legal voters thrown off rolls
Database woes could be 'sleeper issue of 2008'
NAtional: Problems at polls permeate U.S. political process
NAtional: Voting Activists Urge Presidential Candidates to Reject Unverifiable Primaries
NAtional: U.S. Supreme Court To Review Indiana Voter ID Law
NAtional: Election theft won't be tolerated: Obama
NAtional: Voter ID Law Heads to Supreme Court
NAtional: CNN: On the eve of Iowa caucus, some states give e-voting an 'F'
NAtional: Voting Groups Urge Presidential Candidates to Demand Paper Ballots for Upcoming Primaries
CA: Eager to vote but stuck in citizenship process
Application surge and long waits mean some Americans-to-be may miss the fall election.
CA: Riverside County - Change remained constant on voting front
CO: Our View: Vote of no confidence
CO: The grinch who stole elections
CO: Ouray County – Editorial - Voting machines: what it all means
CO: Ouray County - Voting trust Until machines are proven reliable, mail-in must be used
FL: Pasco County - Electronic Voter Registration
GA: For many, voter ID is a matter of political strategy
IA: ACTIONS: Monitoring Iowa Caucus and other primaries
KS: Elections official says touch screens no problem locally
NC: Paper trail on voting devices a bumpy road
Elections officials contend machines are reliable; critics say jams are proof of flaws
NC: NC Election Officials Working to Avoid Potential Paper Jams
OH: Brunner says election system could be overhauled by November
OH: Ohio might test new polling concept at primary
Official would extend voting days, centralize locations in a few counties before going statewide
OH: Cuyahoga County - Will Cuyahoga County's New Voting System be Ready for Primary?
PA: New vote system funded
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