'Daily Voting News' For January 27, 2008
Ohio’s Secretary of State, Jennifer Brunner, has dictated that all counties must replace their Direct Recording Electronic voting machines with optical-scan machines. This was all done before the state announced a $1.9B shortfall in revenue. The media is now reporting that Brunner has two choices if she doesn’t back down: force the replacement and don’t help counties to pay for new machines or remove from office all officials who defy her wishes. &&& The Illinois Ballot Integrity Project has announced (http://margrover.com/ibip/clearinghouse.pdf ) that they have begun a clearinghouse for election problems at the polls. Illinois voters are encouraged to go to their blog and report the problem. This sharing of information is vital to our discovering problems and getting those problems solved.
CA: Orange County – Columnist - Choice for voters: Paper or gizmo?
CA: San Joaquin County - Back to paper
CA: San Joaquin County - Opinion - Machines don't get bored counting votes
CO: Opinion - Going Old School
CO: Detecting election fraud made virtually impossible
CO: State might hold off on precinct reporting
FL: At Florida Polls, Touch Screens and Crossed Fingers
IL: Citizens Pull Back The Curtain On Election Mishaps
IL: Few upset by primary ballot delays
NH: Recounting and recalling the N.H. presidential primary
NH: COLLATERAL TV: New Hampshire & E-Voting 101
NY: Editorial - A vote for more secure voting in New York
Now that state has settled on new machines, counties can quickly finish transition.
NY: Opinion - Why push electronic voting machines? Follow the money trail
OH: Editorial - ... So does Ohio’s secretary of state
OH: Officials: Brunner shaking voter trust
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