'Daily Voting News' For January 28, 2008
In a surprise announcement late this afternoon ES&S has announced they have purchased all of the assets of AutoMark Technical Systems. This announcement means that ES&S will now manufacture and market the ballot marking devices. According to their presser this acquisition will now allow ES&S to “enhance the product as part of the company’s suite of end-to-end, fully integrated voting solutions”. In other words they can now use inexpensive parts made in Asian sweatshops and sell the machines more expensively. Not explained in this release is what this sale will do to Diebold/Premier’s plan to market AutoMark machines. &&& The ACLU has now filed a motion with the courts in Ohio to stop Cuyahoga Co from using any central-count optical scan system as the primary system to count ballots in the March primary.
AR: See you at the poll : Prevalence of elections in 2008 means plenty of trips to ballot box
AR: Some states rethink reliability of electronic voting
AR: Daniels encourages early voting
CA: A paper jam roils California vote [First of two parts]
There's a rush in the state to replace decertified electronic devices with printed ballots and scanners.
CA: San Francisco County - Switch to paper ballots ensures long night
FL: Editorial - Touch and hope no way to vote
FL: Are election officials ready?
FL: Columnist - FL Officials Hope To Keep Ghosts Of Elections Past At Bay
FL: Hillsborough County - After Primary, Hillsborough Ditching Touch-Screens
IL: McHenry County - Early voting becoming hit
IN: Marion County - Central count of special election ballots questioned
IN: Marion County - Republicans cry foul over special election plans
NH: Activists had eye on each step of recount
NH: Republican Candidate Calls for 'Tightening Up' of New Hampshire Election Contest Hand Count Procedures
NJ: Opinion - Make it convenient to vote in elections
NY: Tompkins County - Board of Elections s voting machine
OH: Opinion - Not needed, fast
OH: Voting debate grows partisan
OK: Most of state's provisional ballots in recent years not valid
OH: Cuyahoga County - ACLU Asks Federal Court to Block Use of Unfair Voting Technology
OH: Cuyahoga County - ACLU tries another way to stop Cuyahoga County March 4 primary voting
OH: Cuyahoga County - ACLU Sues Over Paper Ballots in Ohio
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