'Daily Voting News' For April 05, 2008
An inspection, by Princeton’s Ed Felten, of summary tapes not previously inspected from Sequoia Advantage voting machines used in New Jersey adds more evidence that Sequoia has misrepresented the cause of voting machine failures last February. Some of the summary tapes actually show that the total number of votes recorded on the machines is not accurate. That could not have happened under Sequoia’s nonsensical explanation that it was poll worker mistakes. It is clear that an investigation must be carried out with no involvement by the vendor.
CO: Mesa County - Storage of voting machines not so costly
FL: Guest Columnist - Reform the primary system and abolish the Electoral College
FL: Election officials show off new optical voting machines
NJ: NJ Election Discrepancies Worse Than Previously Thought, Contradict Sequoia’s Explanation
NJ: Princeton Prof: Sequoia Voting Machine Failure in NJ Worse Than Previously Thought
OH: Editorial - Brunner's courage
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