'Daily Voting News' For April 14, 2008
The news from New Jersey is a bit distressing though probably not at all surprising. The Secretary of State, who just this month took over control of elections from the Attorney General, is backing Sequoia Voting Systems against concerned counties and the voters of the state. In a press release from last week and resulting news articles they have misstated the facts with regards to recent court decisions and have tried to make it appear that Princeton Professor Ed Felten rushed to judgment and made inaccurate statements. Let’s hope that Hart Intercivic will be a more ethical, honest vendor when they take over Sequoia. Any improvement is a pipe dream but it’s nice to dream occasionally.
NAtional: What’s Easier to Rig—the U.S. Presidential Elections or a Slot Machine?
NAtional: The Myth of Verified Voting: How GOP strategists & J. Abramoff transformed America's elections and the reform movement itself
CO: Electronic voting machines get OK for this year, but future's iffy
FL: Pasco County - Is 3rd System The Charm?
IL: Illinois Paper: 'The BRAD BLOG - The Little Blog That Did'
IL: Kane County - The Hart InterCivic Federal Fraud Complaint 'Under a Microsope' in Kane County, IL
IL: Kane County - Fight over eSlates
IL: Kane County - The little blog that did
For four years, Bradblog.com has reported on voting machine problems
MD: Two-party choke hold prohibits true democracy
MS: Lawmaker: Voter ID dead for session
NJ: New Jersey Department of State Disputes Vote Findings
NJ: N.J. voting technology in question after discrepancies in February vote
NY: Albany County - Help at polls for disabled voters
County lawmakers expected to OK $1.6 million plan to buy 210 ballot-marking machines
NY: Orange County - Lawmakers OK $100,000 to store voting machines
WV: Kanawha County - County clerk's office bulging with bigger-than-usual ballots
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