'Daily Voting News' For April 15, 2008
Today the House GOP members managed to block Congressman Rush Holt’s emergency voting bill with a 239 – 178 vote; 2/3 majority was required for passage. It is unknown at this time what the next move will be. Maybe an all-out ban on DREs? The bill would get no where but it would bring the Election Integrity Community back together. &&& Today is “Match Day” for Sequoia. Can they satisfy Smartmatic with a matching offer that will save themselves from Hart Intercivic? And, if they do will they have enough funds left to continue paying their contracts and employees? http://www.bradblog.com/?p=5885
NAtional: Surprise: Election Reforms Politicized
NAtional: Avoid Corporate Crime - Hand Count The Paper Ballots
NAtional: GOP Objections Mean Uncertainty for Paper Ballot Bill
NAtional: Holt Blasts Republicans for Blocking Emergency Voting Bill
NAtional: House GOP Leaders and White House Deliver Blow to Verifiable Election
FL: Sarasota County - Supervisor of elections has vexing blind spot
IN: Tippecanoe County - Final voter filings for county up 6,000-plus
MO: Paper ballots required under Missouri legislation
NJ: The NJ/Sequoia Voting System Mess Unraveled and Reraveled
NY: Albany County - Help at polls for disabled voters
County lawmakers expected to OK $1.6 million plan to buy 210 ballot-marking machines
OH: Brunner: Counties should be permitted to hold mail-only elections
OH: Brunner proposes mail-only elections
OK: OK voters required to show ID at polls
PA: Pennsylvania's Primary: Paperless and Unverifiable
PA: Carbon County ready for primary
WV: Cabell voters will see touch screen voting again this primary
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