'Daily Voting News' For April 17, 2008
Were you aware that HAVA mandates the accuracy of voting machines? Were you also aware that many of the voting machines used in elections today fail miserably to meet those mandates? The maximum legal error rate is 0.0002% or one error in 500,000 ballot lines. We have now begun to list the machines that have failed to meet those limits and some of the results are stunning. http://www.votersunite.org/ Who is regulating this failure to meet federal law? &&& On Tuesday an excellent report was issued by “Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under The Law”. It is an excellent report on the primary elections so far this year. (See the first link below).
NAtional: Election Protection 2008 Primary Report – Looking Ahead To November
IL: Chicago Premiere of "Uncounted" on Tuesday, April 29th
IN: Purdue student IDs don't pass early voting test
NC: Early primary voting starts Thursday
NC: Film exposes broken voting system
PA: 'Why Tuesday?' Video: 'No Trouble with Touch-screens' Say Your Clueless Democratic Public Officials in PA
PA: Pitt Prepares For Surge In Student Voters
WV: Wood County - Voting machines undergo pre-election test
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