'Daily Voting News' For April 23, 2008
Two and a half years ago Sangamon Co Illinois (Springfield) purchased 930 new Populex voting machines for $1.7M. The state will not accept them for use to count vote-by-mail (absentee) ballots so the county has been hand-counting those ballots and using a machine to check the hand-count. Now Populex has said that they don’t plan on continuing the federal testing and certification process that they had begun over a year ago. The county will probably have to scrap these new machines and go elsewhere. An expensive mistake. &&& How can election officials in Pennsylvania find problems but not do all they can to ensure every vote is counted? There was more than one report of votes on machines that had problems but officials not being interested unless it is “necessary”.
NAtional: Is Talk of Election Day Disaster Nothing But Fearmongering? Hardly
NAtional: Voter Suppression and the Major Parties
NAtional: Cybercrime and Politics: The Dangers of the Internet in Elections
NAtional: Vote-count bill's rebuff doesn't add up
AZ: Pima County – Editorial - Public should be able to see election records
Our view: Technology shouldn't negate the people's right to check voting results
IL: Sangamon County - Sangamon may need new voting machines
Current system not certified for mail-in
NY: LibertyVote Leaves New York
Last of the DREs pull outs of the Empire State
PA: Translation Poses Voting Challenges In Chinatown, Philadelphia PA
PA: Voting in Pennsylvania
PA: Election Protection Coalition Fields Over 1,000 Calls Reporting Scattered Problems Throughout Pennsylvania
PA: Rumors of e-vote Fraud in Pennsylania, but Voters Like Machines
PA: Fayette County - New paper ballots a popular choice among area voters
PA: Lackawanna County - Ballot error confuses voters
PA: Lackawanna and Wayne Counties - Few problems with new voting machines
PA: Lawrence and Mercer Counties - Mostly smooth sailing at polls, election officials in 2 counties say
PA: Luzerne County – Election Notes
PA: Montgomery County - Request to extend voting hours denied
PA: Montgomery and Northampton Counties - Region's Democrats crowd into polls
Even some too young to vote gather outside to cheer on favorites.
PA: Northampton County - Voters encounter few glitches at polls
PA: Philadelphia - Compared to Other Primary Contests, Fewer Black Voters Turn Out for Barack Obama
TN: Davidson County - Davidson wants paper ballots
Officials urge switch now, but state says election too soon
Canada: New Brunswick to use provincewide electronic vote tabulation
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