'Daily Voting News' For April 24, 2008
What happened in Pennsylvania and what can be done about it? All indications, outside of the main stream media, are that there were problems all over the state with voting systems. There were many anecdotal reports of vote flipping and other machines failures that never made it into the media. State election officials from the Secretary of State on down seem to have misrepresented the facts as they talked about the “scattered” problems and the media reported that propaganda. The state needs to do an honest appraisal of their voting systems and decide whether the status quo is more important than the voter’s voices. The state must also realize that if they are only going to put two DREs per polling place they must make paper ballots available to anyone who wants one and certainly for use when a machine fails in any way. Not a provisional ballot that may, or may not, be counted but a paper ballot that will be counted on election night. Unless something is done Pennsylvania will be the site of an election disaster in November and our democracy does not need three national elections in a row that are train wrecks.
NAtional: Shamos on paper trails
NAtional: Groundbreaking New Book Documents Widespread Election Fraud
NAtional: We Can't Afford Even One E-Voting Morris Worm
NAtional: Election Systems Upgrade: Money's Gone To Iraq
AZ: Brewer says history-making candidates stoke 2008 election
CO: Routt County - Fear of litigation influences voting machine decision
MD: Montgomery County – Guest Columnist: Poll workers important to election process
MO: Lawsuit Filed to Compel Missouri Public Assistance Agencies to Offer Voter Registration Services
Leading National Advocacy Organizations File Suit to Enforce Federal National Voter Registration Act
NM: County clerks unhappy with voting machine vendor
NY: It's Official! Paper BALLOTS for the State of New York!
Last of the DRE (Touch-Screen) Voting Machine Vendors Withdraws Attempt for Certification in the Empire State
PA: Fayette County - Voting machine pleases Fayette residents
PA: Lackawanna County - Primary night gratifying as system passes 1st test
TN: Guest column: Instant Runoff Voting could simplify things
TN: Davidson County - Indicted poll official will keep her voting privileges
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