'Daily Voting News' For April 26 and 27, 2008
In an d article, Brad Friedman reveals that while the Sequoia spokeswoman Michelle Shafer claims that their Intellectual Property (IP) must be protected, in fact, they don’t even own the IP used on their voting systems. It is still owned by Smartmatic of Venezuela, the previous owner of Sequoia.
Does the State Attorney’s Office that has jurisdiction in Broward Co Florida really expect us to believe that there is no conflict of interest when the county writes a no-bid contract with ES&S for $5.4M for new optical-scan machines when one of the county commissioner’s husbands works for the lobbying firm that represents ES&S? He was also the lobbyist who sold the county $18M worth of junk DREs in 2002. Are they blind or do they just think the voters are stupid?
NAtional: Few states allow overseas troops to vote by e-mail
CA: Bowen: Paper ballots will remain at polls
CA: California secretary of state 'amazed' at upcoming Profile in Courage award, she says at Cabazon event
CT: ROVAC President Addresses Dead Voters - Media Remains Dead To Larger Issues
NJ: NJ Judge Gives Go Ahead to Independent Review of Sequoia's Failed Touch-Screen Voting Machines [Updated]
NJ: Judge allows review of voting machines with discrepancies
NY: Otsego County - Counties buying new voting machines
PA: Centre County - Survey on paper-trails a nuisance to some voters
PA: Lackawanna County - One in 5 ballots a write-in
TX: Waller County - Waller vote probe testing patience at Prairie View A&M
Attorney general began inquiry in December 2006
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