'Daily Voting News' For April 28, 2008
Today’s wrong-minded Supreme Court ruling on voter ID is not really a surprise but it is still very disappointing and disheartening. I’ve listed a few articles under “NAtional” below even though the ruling affects Indiana only at this time. The ruling will open the flood gates for more states to join the move to disenfranchise voters. It is a sad day.
NAtional: Voter Advocate Rush Limbaugh Applauds Supreme Court's 'Huge, Huge, Huge Move to Undercut Democrat Voter Fraud'
NAtional: Editorial - Denying Access to the Ballot
NAtional: Indiana's Primary First Major Test Of State's Controversial Voter Photo ID Law
NAtional: Supreme Court upholds Indiana voting ID law
NAtional: Court rejects voter ID challenge; no new grants
NAtional: People For: Supreme Court Won’t Stand Up For Voters
NAtional: Election Experts: Today’s Supreme Court Ruling Will Add to Long List of Hurdles Already Facing American Voters
NAtional: Supreme Court ruling will disenfranchise Indiana primary voters
NAtional: Asian American Groups Dismayed by U.S. Supreme Court Decision Upholding Voter ID Law
NAtional: Statement from Robert A. Brady, Chairman, Committee on House Administration
NAtional: Stealing An Election: The Psychological Impact Beyond the Ballot Box
FL: Election Day in Florida May Look Familiar
FL: League of Women Voters of Florida v. Browning
FL: Broward County - Looks, smells and sounds like dirty dealings
GA: Ga. voter ID challenge to go forward
IN: May 6 Snapshot: Indiana
NC: May 6 Snapshot: North Carolina
PA: Westmoreland County - Poll workers put in long day
**Articles and commentary included in “Daily Voting News” may not all reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or its allied organizations. The articles are all included for the information of the subscribers of “Daily Voting News” though we realize that the subscribers may not agree with the opinions given in all articles or in the commentary**
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