'Daily Voting News' For April 30, 2008
North Carolina voters who live in predominately black neighborhoods are the target of robo-calls and a mailing campaign, by a national non-profit called “Women’s Voices; Women Vote”, that may result in many voters being disenfranchised. The calls warn voters, whether registered or not, that they cannot vote until they fill-out the information in a packet they will receive in the mail. The packet contains a voter registration form. What the call and the information in the packet don’t tell the voter is that it is too late to register to vote in the primary and that if the recipient is already registered they don’t have any concerns. This same scheme has been used in other states prior to their primary elections. It is time that legislation be written and passed that will make these schemes illegal.
NAtional: HBO Film "Recount" Relives Florida 2000
NAtional: Mule Train Mail: Dick Kaiser "Bushies Allowed to Kill Election Reform for Another Year"
FL: Sarasota County - Early voting suggests low turnout in May 6 election
FL: Sarasota Florida's Election Director, Kathy Dent, is a Liar
Yes, we said 'liar'. And if you hadn't known that already, here's even more hard evidence...
IN: Gaming Indiana
The quirky state voting law that could affect Tuesday's primary.
IN: Editorial - Closing ballot access
IN: Lake County - New voting machines may provide faster results
KY: Madison County - Funds available to make switch to paper ballots
MD: Md. Panel Calls for More Voting Machines, Hotline
MD: Vote communication faulted
State task force delivers report on ballot irregularities
NC: FACING SOUTH EXCLUSIVE: D.C. nonprofit aimed at women voters behind deceptive N.C. robo-calls
NC: Vote suppression, with Clinton ties?
NC: Source of robo-calls identified
PA: Centre County - County seeks comment on voting machines
PA: Fayette County - Fayette election officials throw out 41 ballots
PA: Schuylkill County - Editorial - Election bureau deserves applause
VA: Bristol - Voting Machines Checked And Sealed for May 6 Election
France - Bizarre Undervote on iVotronic in France
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