'Daily Voting News' For June 4, 2008
Fort Bend Co Texas has just hired a new elections director. To prove that the revolving door goes in as well as out the county hired the regional sales manager, account manager and Illinois state manager for Election Systems & Software. &&& Pima Co Arizona has given in and will be releasing all elections data bases from their Diebold machines going back to 1998. The county has also agreed to pay the opposing attorney for his time and expenses ($228,000).
NAtional: Voters Want Choices. And They Want to Be Heard.
That's why Ranked Choice Voting makes so much sense.
AZ: Pima County - County gives in on Democrats' voting-database suit
CA: Los Angeles County - Voter suppression! Voter suppression!
CO: Man denied access to clerks meeting in Glenwood Springs
GA: Here we go again photo ID law challenge
IL: Kane County - Clerk's office looks at vote centers
IN: Randolph County - State doesn't want to pay for Randolph voting machines
NM: State-wide Computer Crash Cripples Voting in New Mexico Primary
NM: Bernalillo Co. suffers few glitches on Election Day
OH: Diebold unit Premier Election Solutions sues Cuyahoga County in voting-machine dispute
TX: Fort Bend County - Former Software Sales Manager Named County Elections Administrator
VA: Fairfax County - County to buy new voting machines
WV: Tyler County - Election Results Raise Questions
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