'Daily Voting News' For June 5, 2008
Election officials in Pinellas Co. Florida were probably very surprised when they inspected their voting machines for malware and found that even though their system is not connected to the internet two bugs, known as Flush.G and W32.SillyDC, were present. There goes the excuse that “our system can’t be hacked (attacked) because it isn’t hooked-up to the internet” excuse.
San Bernardino Co California has discovered a ‘bug’ in their central tabulator, known by Sequoia Voting, that does not correctly count the number of precincts.
The ES&S system used in Curry Co New Mexico seems to have a ‘glitch’. Precinct totals in an early voting location were counted more than once.
One voter went to the polls in Los Angeles Co California and used the accessible voting system only to find that the system “flipped” his votes in four separate races.
NAtional: Opinion - A return to paper ballots in the U.S.? Not so fast
NAtional: Voting Rights Advocates Say America Is Unprepared For Massive Turnout Nov. 4
NAtional: Exposing the GOP’s Voter Suppression Campaign
CA: Los Angeles County - My Votes, Four of Them, Were Flipped Yesterday Before My Very Eyes
CA: Riverside County - Low turnout, slow count on election
CA: San Bernardino County - Software glitch led to precinct, vote uncertainty in SB County
CA: San Bernardino County - Scanners help with quick election results
CA: Unforeseen errors complicate Santa Cruz County vote counting
FL: Pinellas County - Bugs removed from Pinellas vote tabulation system
FL: Pinellas County - Malicious Viruses Discovered on FL Vote Tabulation System
IN: Randolph County - State doesn't want to pay for Randolph voting machines
IN: Randolph County - Voting machines cost Randolph County
MS: Voter ID a must to maintain public’s trust in electoral process
NJ: Monmouth County - Delays reported in recording election results
NM: Curry County clerk: 'We have a problem'
NM: Curry County - Software glitch found, election results released
OH: Will Ohio Have Another Problematic Presidential Election?
PA: Schuylkill County - Schuylkill risks losing money
TX: Fort Bend County – Revolving Door
Voting Machine Company Salesman Becomes Election Director in Texas
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