'Daily Voting News' For June 7, 2008
Tennessee has joined the growing list of states that require a paper trail for use in recounts and random audits. The governor has signed legislation that requires all systems purchased after Jan. 1 to be precinct-based optical scan systems. We congratulate the Tennessee activists who have made this all happen.
NAtional: Nelson bill would abolish Electoral College
NAtional: Americans Ponder Accuracy of Electoral Process
CA: Primary turnout lowest on record
With no high-profile issues on the ballot, many state voters decide to sit this one out
CO: Confidence in vote system a wild card
Uncertainty swirls as elections loom
CO: Voting system testing begets controversy
MI: Benzie County - Tribe moving forward to resolve vote issues
NJ: State Officials Inspect Polls for Disability Access
TN: Tennessee voting machines must create paper trail
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