'Daily Voting News' For June 8, 2008
Sarasota Co Florida Supervisor of Elections, Kathy Dent, intends on holding a mock election which will minimally test the new voting system being purchased by the county. This system has still not been federally certified by the EAC, though that is not a Florida requirement. The county will not test accuracy to ensure use of the voting system complies with the Help America Vote Act of 2002. Instead they will do a minimal test on tabulators, modems, and other parts of the system. How can voters of the county be assured that their voting system is accurate when the system has never been tested to ensure that accuracy?
NAtional: What Barriers Stand in Your Way to the Polls?
The methods are far less conspicuous than fire hoses and more legally ambiguous than poll taxes and literacy tests.
FL: Sarasota County - Before the real vote, a dry run
OH: Cuyahoga County hopes for reprieve on new voting equipment
TN: Shelby County officials don't favor paper ballots
TX: Democratic activist 'vindicated' by outcome of attorney general's voter fraud probe
TX: Angelina County recount doesn't change election results, but adds 959 votes
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