'Daily Voting News' For June 9, 2008
State and local primary elections are still ongoing around the country. Tomorrow we have elections in South Carolina, North Dakota, Virginia and Maine with early voting beginning for the Utah primary. &&& Due directly to the failure of the voting system in Faulkner Co Arkansas to accurately tabulate votes citizens will have a ‘town hall’ meeting in Conway to discuss the failures of the system and what steps they can take to force the county and state to fix the system. One suggestion: a formal HAVA complaint for violation of Section 301(a)(5). (See HAVA Section 402(a)(2))
NAtional: What Constitutes an Election Audit
NAtional: It's a hands-on democracy
NAtional: Fla. Sen. Nelson Pushes for Electoral Overhaul
AR: Faulkner County - Citizens plan 'town hall' meeting at library
FL: Paper ballot deal disappoints
NJ: Hudson County - Romano wins contested freeholder seat
But Raia gets most votes in Hoboken; he and Garcia-Keim call for recount
TN: Governor signs voting record law
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