'Daily Voting News' For June 10, 2008
Two unsuccessful candidates for Bullock Co Alabama commissioner have requested that the state Attorney General investigate absentee vote irregularities in the June 3 election. Both candidates won by large margins at the polls. In both cases the candidates lost after an unusual number of absentee ballots were cast and the results were just the opposite. One of the winning candidates admitted that he and his family "helped" Bullock County residents apply for absentee ballots, but he claimed it was not done to "break any laws." One has to wonder how much money changed hands from candidate to voter.
AL: Bullock Co. hopefuls claim vote problems
AL: Marshall County - Recount requested
AZ: Woman, 97, Battles Voter ID Law
CA: San Joaquin County - Grand jury: S.J. elections better
FL: Elections offices nailing down process to check voting machines' results
FL: Palm Beach County - 3rd vote system in 8 years touted as 'end of the line'
IN: Johnson Co. scrambling to replace voting machines destroyed in flood
MS: Jones defends vote against voter ID
NJ: ACLU asks voting machine tests be made public
NJ: ACLU-NJ Demands End to Voting Machine Gag Order
OH: Cuyahoga County may have to cut budget, staff to pay for elections
SC: Voting going smoothly but slowly
SC: Spartanburg County - At the polls: 10 precincts hope to trim wait times
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