'Daily Voting News' For June 11, 2008
Yesterday I spoke about what may be election fraud in the handling of absentee ballots in Bullock Co Alabama. Today the District Attorney in Randolph Co requested an investigation of absentee ballot handling in his county. An investigation is already being carried out in Potter Co. Absentee ballot mishandling appears to be the preferred means of election fraud in Alabama. Clearly this is something that bears our attention going into November.
It is no surprise at all that ES&S investigated problems on their machines used in Faulkner Co Arkansas and declared the whole problem was “human error”. However, there was an error in tabulating the votes. That error was not caused by the voter so that error is a violation of the Help America Vote Act of 2002 Section 301(a)(5).
The Secretary of State of Ohio has released a report on the 2008 Primary from last March. The media reports say the primary had some “bumps but went well overall”. In fact, the report ignores problems that even the Secretary described at the time as a “huge problem”. One has to wonder why election officials seem to think they can misrepresent the facts and not be called on it.
NAtional: Voters and the Question of their “Confidence in the System”
NAtional: Columnist - Rabbit Hole of Voter Fraud
AL: Randolph County - DA requests investigation of county absentee voting
AR: Faulkner County - Audit reveals human error caused election debacle
CO: Youthful service
Colorado student judge program a boon for democracy
FL: Opinion - We might wish for punch cards when ballot lines are drawn to vote
FL: Optical-scan voting nears South Florida debut
New optical-scan voting machines will be the third ballot system used in South Florida since 2000.
FL: Sarasota County - Mock election will test all machines
GA: Elections Board Fires Back In Tussle Over Voter ID Law
IN: MicroVote punished for '06 elections
18-month ban on system sales
NC: Instant runoff voting is a practical and democratic solution to election pitfalls
NJ: ACLU, press groups seek to open voting case
Judge asked to reconsider ruling barring disclosure of machine test results
OH: Capital News: More volleys over Brunner's Project Everest
OH: Report: March primary had bumps but went well overall
OH: Secretary of State Releases First Comprehensive Post-Election Report
OH: Cuyahoga County, citing costs of election equipment, considers service cuts, layoffs
Service reductions, layoffs possible
OH: Trumbull County - Elections board finds way to cut costs
PA: Crawford County replaces voting machine batteries
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