'Daily Voting News' For June 20, 2008
A New Jersey judge today reversed her opinion and ruled that computer experts who will be inspecting the state’s Sequoia voting machines can release the results of their research to the voting public. The inspection will begin immediately and probably not wrap-up until late September and the results can then be released.
Richard Hayes Phillips new book, “Witness to a Crime: A Citizens’ Audit of an American Election” nearly never made it to press. The original publisher, even though there was a signed contract, suddenly decided to suppress the book and not publish it. Phillips, being dogged, found a local printer and book binder and did his own typesetting in order to get the book out to the public. This book is a primer on the many and varied ways of analyzing election results and for that it is valuable.
NAtional: The Broken Contract Lies Upon My Office Floor, Part 3 with Richard Hayes Phillips
AL: State looks at online voting systems
AL: Editorial - AU online voting venture worth looking into for state
IN: County says no Illinois voters in East Chicago
IN: Rokita wants to see more, younger Hoosiers involved in elections
IN: Indiana voter ID law challenged again
IN: New voter ID lawsuit filed
IN: League of Women Voters challenges Indiana voter ID law
MN: Changes at ballot box could save time and money, but ...
MS: Ineligible voters on Warren County rolls
NJ: ACLU, NJ media groups head to court about voting machine ruling
NJ: Judge rules public can see voting machine test results
TN: Montgomery County - Paper backup required by state
New law mandates ballot hard copies
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