'Daily Voting News' For June 21 and 22, 2008
Recently in this space I reported that a report from the Ohio SoS to the Governor and Legislature glossed over the fact that, among other issues, four of eleven counties who did hand-count audits found discrepancies and had to change the results of their certified elections based on the audit results. Three of those counties were DRE counties and the vvpat paper tapes were the source of the hand-count. Why was there a difference in the count of the vvpats as compared to the count of the machines? If the vvpats cannot be hand-counted accurately then why are some satisfied that DREs with a vvpat are good enough? If the vvpat count was accurate then why are some satisfied with the use of DREs that are flawed?
IL: Sangamon County - Voting Machines: A Million Dollar Problem [Note: You have to watch the video to understand what this article says]
IN: Secretary of State Todd Rokita Statement on New Photo ID Lawsuit
IN: Johnson County - 478 voting machines waterlogged
Cost to replace touch screens in Johnson County is $1.67M; lease would be about $335,000
NJ: Voting machine test results will be released to the public
NJ: Public can now check voting machines
NJ: Hudson County - 2 getting recount in freeholder race
NM: Cibola County - Ballots From Primary Missing
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