'Daily Voting News' For June 24, 2008
Today’s featured article comes from Colorado but it could just as easily come from many states in the nation. The article discusses the changes that are being made in election technology; changes to the good. There will be more paper ballots and less touch-screens used in the coming Nov. election when compared to the last couple national elections. The state Senate Majority Leader is quoted as saying this about the election integrity community, “I believe the group has gotten larger. It's become more mainstream and people are paying more attention to them. They are an entity that's at the table and has a voice that is listened to”. Meanwhile the Secretary of State told the newspaper, “"I think they have a fundamental belief that anything electronic, as it relates to voting, is evil and undermines our political system. They live in a world of conspiracy theories and are highly motivated. No matter what I do, so long as it leaves some form of electronic voting intact, it will be wrong by their standards”. I’ll leave it to the reader to make up their mind who is correct.
Featured Article: Colorado: E-voting opponents leave mark
By lawsuits and law, paper ballots regaining ground
NAtional: VVSG Update: Possible Next Steps by the Election Assistance Commission
NAtional: Another Ineffective e-Voting Reform Bill that Solves Nothing
NAtional: Count Every Vote: Sampling v. Full Counts
AL: Perry County - AG criticizes Justice Dept. in voter fraud probe
CO: Grand Lake told to be cautious about voter rights
FL: Optical scanners get a trial run in West Palm Beach today
FL: Today's West Palm commission ballot on new machines
FL: Palm Beach County - Optical scanners: Good or bad for elections?
MO: Buchanan County - County stuck with election machine maintenance tab
NC: Opinion - Instant runoff voting poses problems
NJ: Editorial - Prepare a voting plan now
NJ: Ocean County - Elections chairman questioned
Gilmore forced to answer for 2 hours on entire process
NY: Albany County - Move to cut polling places decried
Reducing number of voting sites could disenfranchise residents of Albany's poor neighborhoods, critics say
NY: Jefferson County - Polling places provide privacy
New Machines: Disabled voters can now cast ballots without assistance
OH: Brunner promises 'foolproof' statewide system for election
Secretary of state prepares counties for crush of Nov. voters
OH: Record turnout predicted in Ohio
OH: Cuyahoga County - New wrinkle in fall Cuyahoga voting
TN: Sullivan County to pilot optical voting equipment
UT: Salt Lake County - Early Voting Turnout Poor
WV: Fayette County - Mount Hope mayoral candidate files lawsuit
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