'Daily Voting News' For June 26, 2008
Ohio counties were required, in the March primary, by the SOS, to have paper ballots on hand, at each polling place, for any voter who wanted to use them and in case there were problems with DRE voting machines. Secretary Brunner wants the same thing for the general election. The difference may be that counties will have to actually ensure those ballots are at the precincts and that the voters are told they have an option. The Ohio Association of Election Officials is making excuses for those counties that do not already have paper ballots and they are fighting any directives from the SOS.
Featured Article : OH: Do voters need to be told paper's an option?
CO: Logan County - Clerk’s office gearing up for 2008 elections
FL: Press Release - Court Declines to Block Florida’s No-Match No-Vote Law
MN: Council: Divide the question
NC: Instant runoff voting raises concerns
NC: Labor commissioner runoff cost $55 a vote
Instant runoff voting would provide better, cheaper result
OH: Editorial - Winning Back Trust of Voters
PA: Centre County - Voting machine decision looms
TX: Committee weighs risks, benefits of electronic voting machines
Fla. 'vote-flipping' programmer voices doubts about tool
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