'Daily Voting News' For June 28, 2008
Today three featured articles discuss an issue of over 700 votes that just about went uncounted in Palm Beach Co. Florida this past week. But for the fact that the county did an audit and eventually found that election results on from three machines had not been reported in the totals. It is still unknown what happened with these three machines. There is speculation that a card reader may not have worked properly. Another excuse is that the cards may never have been counted at all. The county is investigating. What seems to be incredible is that the when asked by the media early Friday about the discrepancy the Supervisor of Elections, Arthur Anderson, told them that he was not aware of a problem because he was out campaigning for re-election. Typically the Sequoia spokeswoman, Michelle Shafer, ignored the fact that there is an ongoing investigation as she claimed that the public can be confident that the optical scanners worked and votes were properly recorded and tabulated. She ignores the fact that the voters were not properly reported.
Featured Articles - FL: Palm Beach County - Problems Reported in County Election System
FL: Palm Beach County - Critics rip elections supervisor after miscount in West Palm Beach race
FL: Palm Beach County - Nearly 700 West Palm votes not tallied election night
NAtional: Machining the Vote: A brief history of lever voting machines
FL: Florida’s 2008 Election Landscape Looking More Like 2000
MS: Hosemann pushes voter ID for state
OH: Cuyahoga County - Cuyahoga elections board picks costlier scanning system
OH: Cuyahoga County - Voting machine swap means you'll scan paper ballot
OH: Cuyahoga County - Head of voting machine firm Hart InterCivic questions Cuyahoga County choice
PA: Bucks County - Advocates hope voting machines ruling has domino effect
UT: Summit County - Board race still tight
System glitch keeps Brothers in the running, Jason Strykowski
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