'Daily Voting News' For June 29 and 30, 2008
“Daily Voting News” wants to congratulate and thank Connecticut Secretary of State Susan Bysiewicz for taking a stand against the federal Department of Veterans Affairs. Earlier this month the Secretary requested permission to visit veteran facilities in her state to register veterans to vote and instruct them in how to vote on the state’s machines. She was denied permission. The Secretary accompanied by the Attorney General, veterans, and representatives of veterans organizations defied the DVA and visited one facility to blast the policy, register veterans to vote and to distribute information on the state’s new voting systems. The Secretary said, in part, “I view this denial of access both as a civil rights violation of the deepest measure and as a moral slap in the faces of those veterans who are supposed to be served by the VA Connecticut Healthcare System”.
Featured Article: CT: Press Release - Secretary of the State outraged by policy disenfranchising veterans
NAtional: Editorial: How one vote wasn’t counted
NAtional: Supreme Court Decision Derails Federal Fraud Suit Against Voting Machine Company
NAtional: Book review: Gaming the Vote
AL: King laments voter fraud in Alabama
CA: Humboldt County - County rolls out first-of-its-kind election audit tool
MN: IRV: Dead or alive?
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