'Daily Voting News' For August 08, 2008
Today we are going to have a change of pace and introduce a new word to the vocabulary of some. This is actually a word that I heard for the first time a couple days ago and I like learning new words. Today’s word is “obscurantism”. What does obscurantism have to do with voting issues you ask? Obscurantism (‘tist) is defined as the practice of deliberately preventing the facts or full details of something from becoming known. There are two common senses of this: (1)opposition to the spread of knowledge—a policy of withholding knowledge from the general public; and (2) a style (as in literature or art) characterized by deliberate vagueness or abstruseness. It seems to me that the voting machine vendors are an excellent example of both definitions of obscurantist.
National: Some Homeless Citizens Face ‘Roadblocks’ When Registering
National: Greens launch effort against Electoral College manipulation of presidential elections
National: Questions to Ponder as We Hurl Toward November
CT: VA, state reach deal on voter sign-ups
FL: Broward County - Goodbye touch screens, hello paper as Florida changes how we vote
FL: Indian River County - Race for Indian River Supervisor of Elections crowded
HI: Akaka pushes for more voter assistance at VA medical sites and homes
KS: Shawnee Co. mistake doesn't alter outcome; No big problems in Riley
MO: Voter Arrested After Not Showing Photo ID
OH: More on Those Voting Machines in Ohio
OH: Ohio Sues Over Trouble With Voting Machines
OH: Ohio official sues e-voting vendor for ped votes
OH: Electronic Voting Machines At Center Of Ohio Lawsuits
PA: Schuylkill County - Commissioners move to pay bill for 20 touch-screen voting machines
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