'Daily Voting News' For August 09 and 10, 2008
For over two years Election Integrity attorneys have been urging the state of Ohio to file suit against Diebold/Premier, ES&S and Hart for failure to meet their contractual obligations with the state. The Secretary of State ignored that urging. It was only after Diebold/Premier filed suit against the state that the state took action in a countersuit. Rather than being courageous plaintiffs in this case, the state is a defendant and Diebold/Premier chose the most favorable court to hear the case. If the state had done the right thing two years ago they very well may have had the funds to have gotten rid of all Diebold DREs in the state for this November. Instead counties are still at the mercy of Diebold and their flawed voting systems. And remember it may be Diebold/Premier in this case but the other vendors play the same game in a different ball park. They are all complicit.
National: Editorial - The Right to Vote
National: Big turnout likely will be big headache
States could face challenge ensuring all voters' ballots will be counted
CA: Electronic Voting Machine Security Measure Signed into Law
CA: San Diego County - Group seeks tighter ballot security in San Diego
CA: San Diego County - Lawsuit against county claims ballots weren't secure
FL: Early voting reduces crowds but increases election costs; turnout unaffected
FL: Time for voters to make their marks on new paper ballots
FL: Lee County - The Paper Chase: Touchscreen voting is replaced with paper ballots
HI: Voting-machine deal in jeopardy
IL: Editorial - Paper makes a comeback
IL: Cook County - Belief in the ballot
Despite hardships, homeless people strive to make a difference with their votes
NY: Overview: Why New York's Legislature's Plan to Computerize Our Electoral System Is Unconstitutional
OH: '04 election critics still unmoved by evidence
PA: Fayette County - Purge of inactive Fayette voters delayed
SC: Greenville County - Gibson wants voting machine backup
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